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The Jewish Calendar 101: Balancing the Sun, Moon & Halacha with Rachmiel Klein

The Jewish calendar is an incredibly intricate masterpiece perfected by some of the greatest Jewish thinkers of history. In this class, Rachmiel plans to give a basic overview of how the calendar operates. He will start with the basics: months go by the moon and years go by the sun. He will venture into the intricacies with emphasis on mnemonics and days of the week for certain holidays. Topics will include Rosh Chodesh, postponements of the molad, leap years, k’viot, ATBaSH, Adar I halakha, Thanksgivikka, long-term calendar drift, and much more. There will be a good deal of (low-level) mathematical thinking, with some halakha involved. The goal of the class is to be able to do things like figuring out when the next three-day Yom Tov is without your phone on hand, to more generally de-mystify our heritage way of telling time, and to feel more a part of the cycles of the heavens when looking up at the moon.
All classes are on ZOOM from 7PM - 8PM.
Class Dates:
Sunday, February 16
Sunday, February 23
Sunday, March 2

Thu, February 13 2025 15 Shevat 5785